Author: aiwei

My Bad Habit

My Bad Habit

There are few foods that people feel as passionate about — a passion that goes beyond a love for the “sweetness” of most candies or desserts: after all, few people crave caramel, whipped cream, or bubble gum. Chocolate is, well, different. For the true chocoholic, 

A nice song and meaningful lyrics

A nice song and meaningful lyrics

JANICE 大哥 填詞︰林夕編曲︰雷頌德監製︰雷頌德 如果 兄妹純情太多醒不起喜歡我快能夠和我這異性 拍拖 訛稱  知己的真太多當女共男未變愛侶不吻過自然沒結果 *沒有好感怎會相親相愛  大哥只是掩飾  能做對愛侶墮落成朋友  誰心息 #我要愛情不需要登對  不需得你允許  兄妹真有趣 不需要分居  忘掉輩份再追  我要愛情摧毀世交也不失一個創舉  相戀的證據 假使要爭取  唯有約定華大哥喝醉 曾經 雙手執一槍想逼供你一趟我和你無愛誰沒有試想 如果 戀愛必須創傷想你亦明白到我倆需開心都也受救傷 REPEAT *# Finally I found this lyrics. i am very happy right now as i feel this song is not bad. The lyrics, whoaaa!!! GREAT! that’s the 



我會好好的 – 王心凌
作詞:伍佰 作曲:伍佰

*我會好好的 花還香香的 時間一直去 回憶真美麗 
我是想著你 一直想著你 你在我心底 變成了秘密

#不要說你愛我 你想我 如果你的心裡沒有這麼做 
只是勉強的敷衍我 我知道了會很難受 
我要你默默走 不回頭 我會清楚明白你要的是什麼 
無須勉強的安慰我 說奇怪的理由

△到現在還是深深的 深深的愛著你 
是愛情的 友情的都可以 
那是我心中的幸福 我知道它苦苦的

Repeat △ #,△,△ *,△,△

要給你遠方的祝福 我知道它苦苦的

I really like this song and found it meaningful. The lyric is simple. However, it tells out the feeling of the singer. Dedicate this song to all of you. hope you guys will like it. ^^

wo hui hao hao de by cyndi

Coffee, my Web-Pet

Coffee, my Web-Pet

I’ve got a web-pet. Coffee. It’s a nice name for a cute little tiger. Don’t you think so?! I adopted it the day before yesterday. It’s coffee in colour and with black-striped. Brown is my all-time favourite. I have lots of collection of brown no 



Love is like playing piano.First you learn to play by the rules,then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

Jia you, My Friend

Jia you, My Friend

Sorry guys for such a long time I do not update my blog. I have so many to write today but I don’t know where to start at. My mood is not that good right now. A kind of sad feeling rose up my mind. Eu Wye and Kah Chun took their flight to Australia just now. Jimmy went on Tuesday. Tomorrow, wendy will be going to new Zealand. Another 2 friends are going to leave in next 2 weeks. To keep it short, I wan to which them best of luck and take care always in foreign countries. Not to mention, do keep in touch with us.

Reading yan’s blog right now. All her posts are very nice and touching. With this kind of situation added up with the sad song from lee hom, Kiss Goodbye, I don’t think I can stand it anymore. Here am I, wanna wish yan.

Jia you ya, yan!

Don’t miss out any golden opportunities. Fully support you.
(you know what I mean.)

My Big Day ^^

My Big Day ^^

It was my big day yesterday, 4th of January. Yep big day = birthday. ^^ Okay, I know that I am the first one who steps into 20 among all of you in this very New Year. Ha-ha. Not to worry, you guys are going 

Millions Billions Thanksss…

Millions Billions Thanksss…

Thanks to my family membersThanks to Aillen sisThanks to Wen ChingThanks to Ting FangThanks to Pei YeeThanks to Pei Yee’s friendThanks to Xue YanThanks to Yen NiThanks to Xiong KheeThanks to Pui LengThanks to Yen HongThanks to Chee WeiThanks to Ru ChiThanks to Woo YenThanks 

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