Hokkaido Chiffon
Hokkaido, my favourite place of all
with purely white snow covering the land in the winter
the snows are as soft as cotton
the view is amazingly pretty
it was the fall in love at first sight.
I miss my days in Hokkaido,
Danced in the snow,
Fooled around with the snowball fight
and i even had my “ice kacang” with the ice ‘freshly’ from the sky.
When I came across this recipe, it brought me clear flash back on my trip.
Hokkaido Chiffon – soft and fluffy chiffon. You will never forget its texture and taste; with lil’ creamy custard filling in it.
Hokkaido Chiffon cuppies
recipe adapted from 周老师的美食教室
(make 15)
100g egg yolks
1/4 tsp of salt
40g sunflower seed oil
40g milk
vanilla essence
50g low protein flour
1/4 tsp of baking powder
210g egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
105g castor sugar
custard cream filling:
120g non dairy whipping cream
25g custard powder
75g cold milk
Preheat the oven at 170 degree.
Mix egg yolk with salt. Add in oil and milk and mix well.
Sieve flour and baking powder into the egg yolk mixture. Add in vanilla essence as well.
Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy and then ad in sugar and whisk until stiff.
Fold in half of the egg whites into the mixture and mix well. Then add in the other half and mix them evenly.
Fill the mixture into the cups
and Bake at 170 degree for 15 minutes. Leave cool.
Whip up the whipping cream.
Mix custard with cold milk and add into the whipped cream. Mix well.
Pump the custard cream into the chiffon.
You can either chill before serving or have it straight after filling in the cream 🙂
I use 4 AA size eggs for this recipe.
I omitted the vanilla essence from this recipe as i dislike the taste of vanilla.
I reduced the sugar to 85 grams as the whipping cream I used is sweetened
and creamy 🙂
you will love it

Hope to visit to Hokkaido in 1 day 🙂 Have you been to Tokyo as well? You think which place is nicer?
i have not been to tokyo but love to do so in future. hokkaido is a pretty and romantic place. worth a visit on every seasons
Hokkaido is always in my visit list, but dont know when the dream can come true…$$ problem.
Bookmark this recipe, look really good. I just done a parmeson cheese chiffon.
i'm a hokkaido's fans myself and wish to visit there too~ not onli the sceneries are decent, but wad attracts me the most is their culture and food 😀
nice cheese chiffon there~ lol 🙂
wow, u have been to Hokkaido, must be very memorable trip huh~~ *envy*
These cute chiffon cupcakes look so sinfully delicious~~I love everything with CREAM!!!
Those cup cakes look so cute and heavenly! Well done! 🙂
Hokkaido is a nice place to visit ya… hehe…
Thumbs up Ai Wei! The chiffon looks really awesome! I really do hope to have a chance to visit Hokkaido one day.
nice dear! feel like having one too and visiting Japan someday 🙂 during winter!! nice layout:)
wao~is great^^ can when to such a nice place~ nice photo u shoot~
aiyo! I cant wait to taste one of your baked delights!
Eh..long time no see di..hw u been?
you have done parmesan chiffon?! how was it??? parmesan powder is expensive X(
there food is superb and i love their culture too. you will straight away fall in love and don't ever feel like coming back. LOL.
thanks and yes it is. if you love it, you should have a try on this recipe 🙂
thanks, dearie…
somewhere in singapore,
yes yes yes 🙂
precious pea,
thanks pea 🙂
i wanna pay another revisit too!!! to hokkaido for the 4 seasons!!! ><
and also wanna visit u in melb soooo much and dine in ur lovely place.
thanks dear… i lazy, took me a short time to change it. super easy task. kekeke
noted and i wanna revisit too. miss the place sooo much ><
thanksthanks 🙂
it has been a long long time we din meet out lorrr. lolx
wow… it's a small small world. I knew that girl in the photo yen ni commented looks real familiar. check check, it's you! lolsss facebook always amaze me with this person actually knows that person. haha
chiffon cake… the fluffy-ness *drools*
small boar,
really??? you know that funny yenni gal??? it's such a small small world. hehehe 🙂 how'd you get to know her??? do add me on FB, and then we can chat ^^
Very nice wor… can I request you to bake for me for event/party next time? 😀
uh uh…
u tempt me with succh a great desert yet canot eat here.
down . . .:(
ur fotos are bootiful!!
ur fotos are bootiful!!
omg…so nice u went to hokkaido….great holiday pics…
oO, oooo, okay larrr…
paiseh lar, you guys keep twisting with this topic. will try to do it nex time XD
lolx, ><
thankiuuuu 🙂
that was NNN yearsss ago ><
Wow, hokkaido looks very beautiful. Are there many russians in Hokkaido?
Actually we did say hi at brussels beer cafe, i have your card lol.
the chiffons look nice! but hokkaido seems nicer!!!
does the hokkaido chiffon originate from hokkaido… i want to have one! and yes snow is lovely… esp when we never get to experience it here.
I'm bookmarking this, and turning this into a "durian" flavoured one.
Would love to visit Japan one day! This sounds amazing, have to try one day!
ooops, izzit??? so sorry bout that. i have short memory lost. *paiseh*
hokkaido super nice one!!! ^^
good question, i am not really sure if this recipe is truly and originate from hokkaido. i just browse thru and picked this up from a taiwanese blog. and to my surprise, the bakeries in taiwan are selling this one like piece of hot cake!
duriansss! the cream filling?!
hmm, i dislike durian, really unable to try a hand on that. aiksss…
have a try 🙂 and do hope you will love it.
Hi Ai wei, I got here from sonia's blog. Very pretty chiffon cake. Hope to try this out!
small small baker,
hello, do hope you love this recipe and enjoy baking 🙂
hi ai wei,
I was wondering when u combine the custard powder and milk and add into the whipped cream, does the cream turns watery? If yes, do we continue whipping it to get the cream texture or just leave it and pump into the cake?
hie, do you whip up the cream?
when the mixture of custard and milk added into the whipped up cream, it would stay at the creamy way. and it won't turn watery.
and you must use non dairy whipping cream
it should be in creamy texture when you are pumping the cream into the cake 🙂
Hi ai wei, thanks for the delicious recipe… but my icing sugar frosting melted in the fridge and the cupcake surface turned moist & sticky, how to prevent this.. thank you
hi, you used icing sugar frosting ? but this recipe is called for custard cream filling where non dairy cream is used in it