New Formosa @ PJ SS2
Right after our dinner, Christine and I came up with an idea on reviewing this restaurant. This time, I will try writing in Chinese while Christine will post it in English. (Yep, she has had her post published).
当天晚上,吃完了这顿饭后,这一次我和Christine 约好了,来一个‘华英配’。什么意思呢?!就是我将写一个华语版的,而Christine 就写个英语版的试吃活动。当然,这并不是完全翻译她的文章,我们的文章多多少少会有点儿类同,但是在语言那方面就不一样了。
今次很荣幸的被邀请到新宝岛餐厅,New Formosa Restaurant 一家道地台湾料理餐厅。谢谢Sid 的 invitation。很开心的,又能和一众食家(food bloggers)共享晚餐。当然也要谢谢的是新宝岛餐厅 的老板娘,Ms Jeanie。
第一道出场的佳肴是 Shimmered Winter Melon 炖冬瓜盅(应该这样翻译吧。)写这一篇相当令我苦恼因为菜名佳肴名全都是英文, 如有译错名字,请多多包涵。这盅炖冬瓜,里头包涵了不少的干贝,香菇,鸡丁,鱼漂,还有大娃娃菜。非一般的真材实料哦!炖熬上4至5个小时,它的味道相当清甜。
由于这道炖冬瓜盅需要炖上4至5个小时,所以来之前,请拨电来预定。这份大盅的(Rm 90)可以让10 至11人享用而Rm45份的可让5至6人享用。


Taiwanese Traditional Steamed Crab Rice (Rm 34 / Rm 68) 台湾传统蒸蟹饭。它是由三种不同的糙米(有白的,红的及黑的糙米),加上香菇,腊肠,虾米,绿葱以及猪肉碎,再加上一只新鲜肥美的大螃蟹,然后拿去蒸。哇,香喷喷又健康的米饭,

老板娘突然在我背后端着一盘 Sizzling Salmon 然后摆上桌。看,这些鲑鱼还是生的。

Rm 6 per 50 grams.
Crispy Chestnuts Duck with Three Colour Pickles 里有栗子和腌制得够够味的烤鸭。半只是Rm 28。

吃完了之后,老板娘做下来跟我们聊天。刹那时刻,她竟然说到,要不要尝尝‘初恋’(First Love)的滋味?!就叫人端来了酸梅水。甜酸甜酸的酸梅水不但能帮助消化,而且还能止渴!甜酸甜酸的还能让你回忆着初恋的滋味。
别以为之前的黑芝麻甜汤圆是这餐的句号,好客又大方的Ms Jeanie又叫人端来不少的甜点。
Handmade Glutinous Rice Pieces 手工精制客家麻芝。这家餐厅还制有咖啡,芒果,绿茶,等等不同口味。而这是原味的。粒粒暖暖的麻芝,沾上了花生及糖碎,不甜不腻,吃起来每一口都是花生香味!
它们(下图)是五味布丁— 龟苓膏,绿茶芦荟口味,芒果口味,乳味鸡蛋布丁,还有著名的银杏芋泥Yam Ginkgo Pudding。

看看!漂亮的 Cupcakes!终于有机会尝到了Big Boys Oven 为我们手工精制Cupcakes。之前在别家café所尝到的Cupcakes真是令我大大摇头。但是,Big Boys Oven的Cupcakes真的很棒很好吃,不甜不腻, 而且cake base 很moist。
最后,要谢谢大方好客又漂亮的Ms. Jeanie让我们享有这一顿丰富的晚餐。
Thank you very much! ~
In conjunction of 28th Anniversary, New Formosa Restaurant is offering this promotion menu (dishes we tried as above) until 31st of January 2008. Besides that, they are giving 10% discount on food on every Saturday and Sunday lunch. If you made payment by credit card, you are entitled with 5% discount. Free corkage. So, why wait?! Rush over and have a try yourselves.
New Formosa Restaurant
46, Jalan SS 2/24,
47300 Petaling Jaya,
Open daily from 12 noon to 2.30pm and from 6pm to 11pm.
Tel: 03-78751894 or 019-3353274
More review:

hehehehe how come your pictures look so nice….ours look so…..@#(($&$^%^&@*@…lol!
Anyway great to have you at the dinner!
no lar, my pics so-so looking only. love the cupcakes you guys baked. so yummylicious!!!
yep, i had a great dinner with you guys~ hope to meet you all soon!
this reminds me it was quite some time ago when she invited us for a try out of her they have gone back n come up with even more newer dishes!
though i heard ok reviews from friends that i have recommended them to try..maybe its the vip treatment we get..ermm..
omg!! falling in love wif the traditional steam crab!! so big!! aww the fresh crab meat might tasted real good!! yamm yammm~
very nice pics….!
nice photos wer… hehe ;P
tho I can’t understand what you’re writing, but I’m sure your review would be teriffic! ^^
when will be our next makan trip?
Wow, review in Chinese? Geng! I can hardly type a full sentence in Chinese. Haha! Anyway, good job, long and detailed review. I haven’t done mine yet. Haha!
Wow, review in Chinese? Geng! I can hardly type a full sentence in Chinese. Haha! Anyway, good job, long and detailed review. I haven’t done mine yet. Haha!
Nice pics with detail information. Good review!
三层五花肉! sinfully rich and delicious..yummy.
材鱼 for the mee sua broth? sounds interesting too! 🙂
Wow – Mandarin posting!!! Good, keep it up!
the salmon looks good…. ^_^
that salmon dish looks dammnnnn good!
i find the food from new formosa very nice. you went for the first try out?! i read reviews on the first try out and they looked tempting!
the steam crabby tastes really good. mayb you can drop by for it?! so lip-smacking good~
thanks thanks~
oh… dun worry, you have a great translator, chris by ur side, can ask him to read out. haha.
thanks and ur review is great too (most info korek-ed from ur post. haha)!
i m sure our next makan trip is coming soon. hehe. can’t wait!
wenching & esiong,
i used up lots of time to finish everything… 5 nites if not mistaken… phew~
slowly n take times to finish urs and i m sure ur reviews would be very Good.
thanks thanks~ hope you do understand what i wrote. ^^
nic (khkl),
talking about mee suah, it is a MUST to order! if u like bonito, then u definately will love the mee suah!
new kid on the blog,
thanks thanks, i can hardly type in chinese now. need dictionary with me while doing the typing. hope you enjoy this post. this took me days to compile all. ^^
ling239 & teckiee,
the salmon were juicy and yummy. don forget to pay a visit ya ^^
whoa ur mandarin is really good
no lar… my mandarin so-so only.
nice review! haha, u r testing my chinese babe! phew.
back to the food-i miss the sesame paste + glutinous balls. so yummy! actually, all the food looks excellent-my eyes sparkled when is aw the salmon on the hot plate!