A busy Monday
I did not really want to wake up today. What to do?! I needed to get up to work. After showering, I felt fresh. Took my breakfast and waited for my aunt to take me in the morning. Every day my aunt will offer me a ride together so I can save my toll fare and petrol. Besides, sometimes I can take a small sleep in her car.
Today I didn’t get to sleep because aunt kept on talking to me on the way to the office. Hmmm… I got very fresh when I reached the office. Well greeted by the dogs in my aunt’s office. Yucks! I hate it. They licked me! Luckily I wore pants today.
As usual, every morning I will have to ask my manager or seniors what can I do? My manager asked me to sit first. After 10 minutes, she brought out a very big box and took out a pile of papers from it. I guess it was about 7cm thick. My senior asked me to fill in the forms. I have to fill in the particulars of the customers such as IC no. and address. That’s easy! I know I can do it nice and fast. Erm… there were about 75++ pieces. I wrote and filled. After an hour, my senior came and looked at what I’ve done. Then, she took out piles of papers and pointed to the box and said, you’ve got to fill all of the papers in the box. Oh my God! All together I have about 400 pieces of papers!!! Luckily my senior passed about 100pieces of papers to my other colleague.
Okay, fine. I sit at my place from 8.40am till 1pm. Arghh… hungry! Then only I realized it was already lunch hour. I waited for my colleague to buy food from food stall so I continued to do my things. Filled the forms and filled the forms. Right hand was tired and fingers were pain. 1.40pm. finally my lunch was back to the office. I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed it and ate. I used about 10 minutes to finish it. After that I just rushed back to my place and continue my works. About 4pm, suddenly I felt sleepy and fall asleep accidentally. Just on my desk! Aiks… hope everyone never realized that I was taking a nap there. 4.20pm. woke up. Feeling fresh and then continue to do my task.
It was 5.30pm. Hmmm… glad that I already finished about 225pieces. And it’s 5.30pm now. Office hours ended! Just at that time, the manager from other department came to my place and just had a look. He just said, ‘wrong wrong wrong!’ I was stunt. Did that mean I have filled something wrong? Then he explained to me that I need to fill in the original forms but not the photocopy forms. Now you see I have to redo all over again tomorrow. REDO!!! I have used up hours and hours to fill them up and already finished almost 75percents. Tomorrow I have to re-check and re-do those with the unoriginal copy of forms. I have wasted up my time and energy for today’s works. Don’t know how it would look like tomorrow.
Just hope it will be a pretty day.
Another day passed. Think I need to brush up right now, if I want to get a cool fresh look tomorrow morning. Night~