New Formosa @ PJ SS2

  • Sumo

Right after our dinner, Christine and I came up with an idea on reviewing this restaurant. This time, I will try writing in Chinese while Christine will post it in English. (Yep, she has had her post published).

当天晚上,吃完了这顿饭后,这一次我和Christine 约好了,来一个‘华英配’。什么意思呢?!就是我将写一个华语版的,而Christine 就写个英语版的试吃活动。当然,这并不是完全翻译她的文章,我们的文章多多少少会有点儿类同,但是在语言那方面就不一样了。

今次很荣幸的被邀请到新宝岛餐厅,New Formosa Restaurant 一家道地台湾料理餐厅。谢谢Sid 的 invitation。很开心的,又能和一众食家(food bloggers)共享晚餐。当然也要谢谢的是新宝岛餐厅 的老板娘,Ms Jeanie。

这家餐厅的来头可真不小呀! 于1980年,由Ms Jeanie 和她的丈夫合手开创这家餐厅,一就业就来到了第28年。Ms Jeanie的丈夫当主厨负责厨房,而Ms Jeanie就负责门面,有时候她也会伸出援手在厨房帮帮忙。

第一道出场的佳肴是 Shimmered Winter Melon 炖冬瓜盅(应该这样翻译吧。)写这一篇相当令我苦恼因为菜名佳肴名全都是英文, 如有译错名字,请多多包涵。这盅炖冬瓜,里头包涵了不少的干贝,香菇,鸡丁,鱼漂,还有大娃娃菜。非一般的真材实料哦!炖熬上4至5个小时,它的味道相当清甜。

由于这道炖冬瓜盅需要炖上4至5个小时,所以来之前,请拨电来预定。这份大盅的(Rm 90)可以让10 至11人享用而Rm45份的可让5至6人享用。

第二道是Taiwanese Haaka Pineaple Intestine(Rm 14.50)。味道适中,真适合拿来配粥。再加上绿色红色的灯笼椒,卖相非常漂亮!

Sesame Prawn 香酥芝麻虾(Rm 26)是利用新鲜的虾子,沾上了适量的白芝麻,香脆可口,光看摆设及样子,真叫人垂涎三尺。


下来是Taiwanese Braised Belly Meat & Dried Beancurd (Rm 16)。这道菜肴主要的有三层五花肉,配上豆腐干或南瓜或甜番薯, 利用五香粉,辣椒酱,豆瓣酱和少许的酒下去烹调,香喷喷的,很下饭!

这是Special Silky Bean Curd with Shredded Black Wood Ears and Shredded Pork With Salted Fish (Rm 12)。滑嫩嫩的白豆腐搭上黑木耳,猪肉丝和咸鱼丝及大量的葱,是配粥或饭的一级棒选择。这道豆腐也很烹得健康。别忘了黑木耳,可以养颜也含有丰富的养分,对身心非常健康。

Taiwanese Traditional Steamed Crab Rice (Rm 34 / Rm 68) 台湾传统蒸蟹饭。它是由三种不同的糙米(有白的,红的及黑的糙米),加上香菇,腊肠,虾米,绿葱以及猪肉碎,再加上一只新鲜肥美的大螃蟹,然后拿去蒸。哇,香喷喷又健康的米饭,

老板娘突然在我背后端着一盘 Sizzling Salmon 然后摆上桌。看,这些鲑鱼还是生的。

之后,她把台湾咸菜给加上,即可就发出“咝咝咝”的声音。就这样形成了Sizzling Salmon with Taiwanese Salted Cabbage。鲑鱼是我的最爱。当台湾咸菜给加上后就要立刻享用,以免鲑鱼给煮得太熟或过‘老’。富含了Omega-3的鲑鱼,看了也令你留口水吧?!
Rm 6 per 50 grams.

Crispy Chestnuts Duck with Three Colour Pickles 里有栗子和腌制得够够味的烤鸭。半只是Rm 28。

来到这里可别忘了试试台湾特制红棉线 Taiwanese Special Red Mee Sua Broth (Rm 9)。一般的台湾面线是跟蚵仔(閩南話稱ô-á),但是马来西亚的蚵仔煮出来会并没那么棒,所以他们改用材鱼(Bonito)去熬煮面线的汤头。终于可以尝到台湾面线了!绵绵密密的面线搭配着猪肉丝,虾仁,胡萝卜,香菇及娃娃菜,每一口还带有浓浓的材鱼香味。


我最爱的甜点了! 来到menu的尾端可是Black Sesame Sweet Broth with Glutinous Rice Balls 黑芝麻汤圆(Rm 3.80/碗)。

自制的黑芝麻甜汤甜度刚好,不甜不腻,加上一颗颗有着清香pandan叶的汤圆,hmmm…. 超美味!

吃完了之后,老板娘做下来跟我们聊天。刹那时刻,她竟然说到,要不要尝尝‘初恋’(First Love)的滋味?!就叫人端来了酸梅水。甜酸甜酸的酸梅水不但能帮助消化,而且还能止渴!甜酸甜酸的还能让你回忆着初恋的滋味。

别以为之前的黑芝麻甜汤圆是这餐的句号,好客又大方的Ms Jeanie又叫人端来不少的甜点。

Handmade Glutinous Rice Pieces 手工精制客家麻芝。这家餐厅还制有咖啡,芒果,绿茶,等等不同口味。而这是原味的。粒粒暖暖的麻芝,沾上了花生及糖碎,不甜不腻,吃起来每一口都是花生香味!

它们(下图)是五味布丁— 龟苓膏,绿茶芦荟口味,芒果口味,乳味鸡蛋布丁,还有著名的银杏芋泥Yam Ginkgo Pudding。


还有还有,Formosa Special Sweet Yam 宝岛特色芋头。每一块蒸熟的芋头,沾上大量的麦芽糖, 再泡入冷水里,麦芽糖遇冷即硬。口感呢:一要下去,外冷内热,外硬内软。蒸熟后得芋头搭上麦芽糖很好吃,有着另一番的风味。

看看!漂亮的 Cupcakes!终于有机会尝到了Big Boys Oven 为我们手工精制Cupcakes。之前在别家café所尝到的Cupcakes真是令我大大摇头。但是,Big Boys Oven的Cupcakes真的很棒很好吃,不甜不腻, 而且cake base 很moist。


最后,要谢谢大方好客又漂亮的Ms. Jeanie让我们享有这一顿丰富的晚餐。
Thank you very much! ~

In conjunction of 28th Anniversary, New Formosa Restaurant is offering this promotion menu (dishes we tried as above) until 31st of January 2008. Besides that, they are giving 10% discount on food on every Saturday and Sunday lunch. If you made payment by credit card, you are entitled with 5% discount. Free corkage. So, why wait?! Rush over and have a try yourselves.

New Formosa Restaurant
46, Jalan SS 2/24,
47300 Petaling Jaya,

Open daily from 12 noon to 2.30pm and from 6pm to 11pm.

Tel: 03-78751894 or 019-3353274

More review:


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17 thoughts on “New Formosa @ PJ SS2”

  • hehehehe how come your pictures look so nice….ours look so…..@#(($&$^%^&@*@…lol!

    Anyway great to have you at the dinner!

  • no lar, my pics so-so looking only. love the cupcakes you guys baked. so yummylicious!!!

    yep, i had a great dinner with you guys~ hope to meet you all soon!

  • this reminds me it was quite some time ago when she invited us for a try out of her they have gone back n come up with even more newer dishes!

    though i heard ok reviews from friends that i have recommended them to try..maybe its the vip treatment we get..ermm..

  • omg!! falling in love wif the traditional steam crab!! so big!! aww the fresh crab meat might tasted real good!! yamm yammm~

  • nice photos wer… hehe ;P
    tho I can’t understand what you’re writing, but I’m sure your review would be teriffic! ^^

    when will be our next makan trip?

  • Wow, review in Chinese? Geng! I can hardly type a full sentence in Chinese. Haha! Anyway, good job, long and detailed review. I haven’t done mine yet. Haha!

  • Wow, review in Chinese? Geng! I can hardly type a full sentence in Chinese. Haha! Anyway, good job, long and detailed review. I haven’t done mine yet. Haha!

  • Joe,
    i find the food from new formosa very nice. you went for the first try out?! i read reviews on the first try out and they looked tempting!

    the steam crabby tastes really good. mayb you can drop by for it?! so lip-smacking good~

    thanks thanks~

    oh… dun worry, you have a great translator, chris by ur side, can ask him to read out. haha.
    thanks and ur review is great too (most info korek-ed from ur post. haha)!
    i m sure our next makan trip is coming soon. hehe. can’t wait!

    wenching & esiong,
    i used up lots of time to finish everything… 5 nites if not mistaken… phew~
    slowly n take times to finish urs and i m sure ur reviews would be very Good.

    thanks thanks~ hope you do understand what i wrote. ^^

    nic (khkl),
    talking about mee suah, it is a MUST to order! if u like bonito, then u definately will love the mee suah!

    new kid on the blog,
    thanks thanks, i can hardly type in chinese now. need dictionary with me while doing the typing. hope you enjoy this post. this took me days to compile all. ^^

    ling239 & teckiee,
    the salmon were juicy and yummy. don forget to pay a visit ya ^^

  • nice review! haha, u r testing my chinese babe! phew.

    back to the food-i miss the sesame paste + glutinous balls. so yummy! actually, all the food looks excellent-my eyes sparkled when is aw the salmon on the hot plate!

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