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Only Human

Only Human

Japanese RomanjiLyrics: Osanai MaiMusic: Matsuo Kiyoshi, Tanaka Choku Kanashimi no mukou kishi niHohoemi ga aru toiu yo Kanashimi no mukou kishi niHohoemi ga aru to iu yoTadori tsuku sono saki ni waNani ga bokura wo matteru? Nigeru tame ja naku yume ou tame niTabi ni 

the Last post of 2006

the Last post of 2006

This is going to be the last post of the year. It’s 31st of December today, the New Year eve. Time passes very fast. A new year will soon arrive in a few hours time. Sigh… my friends are all outside now. Hanging out together 

the Luna

the Luna

It was indeed a great night. I went to Luna Bar with my friends yesterday. I have heard of this bar from Chingie a long time ago and we both agreed to hang out there together. Sigh… we always can’t make it. It was my first time to Luna with Yan, Roy, Jian, Dred, Ken and Jimmy. We met one of our old buddies, Qi Sheng in Luna too. What a coincidence!

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Luna Bar is very different from others pubs or clubs. It has an open air area with a swimming pool in the middle and seats are surrounded the pool. If you take the outdoor seats, you can see the sky and stars and moon and KL tower is just in front of you. While if you take the seats by windows, you can enjoy the night scene and the skyscrapers building are right under you.

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Once I stepped into the bar, I’ve fell in love with it. This was a right place to relax and rest your mind. You can put away all the “unhappies” and swayed along the music. The atmosphere was soft and perfect under the dim light.

I ordered a Dirty Martini at first and then Blue Lagoon upon Roy’s recommendation. One of my friends ordered Flamming. I’d love flaming and I have tried it in Glo, penang before. The flaming in Glo was definitely different from the one in Luna. The one I tried was green in colour and the one my friend ordered was red. Flamming is a nice drink!

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Though Dirty Martini tasted very terrible (as my friends said), I found it was not bad. What I wanted for yesterday was something tasted with strong alcohol and yet, Dirty Martini really suited my mood. i felt great after this drink and i could forget the unhappy stuff!

Spending in Luna is quite costly. However, it’s worth to spend there once a while. I am looking forward to the next hang out place ~ where’s it?! ^.^
It is great to hang out with you guys!

Chingie, let’s go to Luna Bar when you are back in KL, and also Tiffin Bay at night too~

My journey alone

My journey alone

Not alone actually. I am just traveled alone here by plane… This is indeed a great experience I am going to gain. This is my very first time to travel on board alone. Which means, I am going with no one but my 3 huge 

Exam’s over!!!

Exam’s over!!!

Gosh, I m not tired at all. I have slept for 4 hours (actually less than 4 hours due to the last minute preparation for today’s physiology paper), slept on 3++ and woke up by 6.45am this morning. What to do, exam started on 9am 

Searching …

Searching …

The situation became worse. It went far more terrible than I thought. From okay to better and now comes to worse. I have no eyes to see. Close my eyes, see no evil, feel no evil. Simple and easy. That’s it. I prefer straight forward and tell things directly. What for saying half and keeps the others for guessing.

Be back myself is the best. I am in searching for my happy-go-lucky-ai-wei. Let’s start the journey to search for ai wei
Wish me luck.


确实自己并不伟大但牺牲一切为大家作一个小小的决定好让自己不开心也没关系只要看见其他人为这个决定而开心那自己也会开心快乐 前面的路途遥远坎坷怎么艰难都好都要继续的走下去也要开心的走下去 希望大家开心快乐。


unhappydisappointed 悲しい てす

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