Bad Mood
Bad mood. Bad mood. I am really in a bad mood and anger keeps arising. Okay, don’t ask me what’s happening because I won’t tell. Everything happened in just a day and anger arises. I seldom pour my emotion here. Often, I will write only happening things or happy things or some quotations.
Today is different. I am writing about anger. I am wondering if this is the first time I angry for things. Normally I won’t get angry that easily. Am I right? Well, this time is different. At first I thought if I do all household chores non stop for this whole day, I guess my anger will disappear. However, the moments I do everything from laundry to mopping the floor and to cleaning the rooms. Anger keeps arising. Oh my!!! Why is this happened? What else can I do to release my anger?! Sigh…
Thinking… what else can I do now? Household chores are all done. Angry of things really waste my energy. I don’t want all my energy wasted for those! >.< Maybe I should do shopping this weekend or having a facial to cool down myself. Yeah, shopping might really help… Thanks to Xiong Khee, your voice really helps a lot.

too bad…all of u seem has ur’s own problem…but as a fren i can’t help much…sad bout it…
juz can wish u all luck here…
take good care of ur ownself coz no body going to love ourself except our own…am i rite…i think so!!!but i love u…take care ya…fren
oh!!! m i so powerful?? feel so happy to know tat my voice is so powerful…. hahaha…. hope my voice can comfort u a bit…sometimes really no one can help u when u need helps… can sms me anytime as u wan… maybe i cant help u but i can be a listener…
hmmm, furious? get a bunny and whack… !!