Printer = dumb
Yeah, right now is about quarter to four in the afternoon. I’m sitting in front of my laptop in the office typing this post now. I’ve been here for the whole day doing calculation and printing bills. Kind of tired. However, there is no other choice for me not to do them. If I want to get my day of salary, I’ve got to do everything.
Printing. Hate it!!! That HP deskjet 3650 printer acted stupidly. Already 2 times, the paper stuck when printing. I had to open up the cover and try to pull the paper out. Hard. The printer jams all the time. When I can’t just pull out the printer, I have to use the scissors or a pen to poke it or try to tore the papers into pieces. Arghh… whatever.
Besides that, I have done a lot of mistake today. Might be the rainy day causes me. Oh, no way, I shouldn’t blame the weather. It was my entire fault for not concentrated in doing things. What can I do?! Tomorrow, my result is going to release. I really never think of it. Do I ever think of that? Okay, I admit, sometimes. But I will only spare my free time or lunch time or the time visiting the toilet thinking about what a will get for my result.
Just hope for all the best tomorrow.

haha…cant do things correctly then blame weather…good idea also….