Turning on 22…
What a day! Turning on 22 is not an easy thing for me as I experienced serious trauma last year when I stepped myself into my 21st. good thing is that this year I didn’t suffer from serious ‘sick’ but still, there was a minor one.
Date: 4th Jan 08
Time: 7pm
Venue: Marco’s Pizza
Dress code: casual
Theme: dear Ai Wei’s Birthday
That’s the message I received from Christine with no questioning but just informing me.
So, on Last Friday, my lovely friends a.k.a. Murni gang brought me out for a dinner at Marco’s Pizza. I have longed to eat-in in Marco’s and Christine has planned and brought me over for my birthday celebration. What a thoughtful best-ie she is!
As it was raining cats and dogs on that night, me and Yen were stuck in the traffic and arrived late. As we were still in our traffic, Christine, Chris and Velix took opportunity to order for us. But then… they have come up with lots of food for just the five of us.

Meanwhile, they have the Italian Soda (from left to right) raspberry, vanilla, and passion fruit. The raspberry Italian soda was sourish and refreshing; passion fruit tasted passion and the vanilla fragrant with vanilla. Certainly I like the raspberry flavour.

As for starter, we had the Rosemary Chicken Salad. There were chicken chunks, green veges … honestly, I can’t recall what’s more inside. Simply love the dressing as it went well with the fresh greens.

Here comes their Signature Pizza — Marco’s. It was topped with shredded turkey, ham, country chicken egg, mozzarella and plum tomato sauce on thin crust. Yumz. It was so cheesy-licious and crunchy! This definitely has our votes! Another a Must to order if you come here!!

Next, the Four Seasons (Chef Choices) and there were 4 choices of toppings in one pizza. We had red and green peppers, pineapple (should be Hawaiian type), mushroom and seafood flavour.

Also, Spaghetti Carbonara came with traditional creamy pasta with beef bacon, garlic, and egg and parmesan cheese. Oh-oh… there were beef bacon in the carbonara. Me and Yen couldn’t take this.

La-la-la… candle-blowing time arrived. They have prepared me slices of cakes. (ps. Christine, I can know the name for both cakes? I have forgotten :P)
Thanks dears. I finally could blow off candle. Let me count… there are about 4 years I have neither cakes nor candle blowing session on my birthday. There were joys, cheerfulness, gladness, delight on my special day and this special year!
Thanks, thanks, thanks and million thanks to Christine, Yen, Chris, Velix and Khee (who are now in India) for the wonderful present for me. I love it very muchie and I will treasure it (tak sampai hati to use it. How?!) Love you guys a lot and thanks for being with me on this day and being with me all the time. Muacks! ~

happy belated bday dearie! ur besties are reli sweet leh
haha..had a wonderful dinner the other day…wooooo…looking forward for our seafood dinner this thursday…haha…haihz…no more cheesecake baking session in the morning…tot can makan de…anyway..thanks for the chocolate…very nice..i habis it liao..still got more arr…hahaha
thanks thanks thanks! yeah.. they are really sweet to have this arranged just for me. hehe
thanks for that wonderful planned dinner. sorry bout the cheesecake session on thurs eh. class starts d i m really busy with assignments and homeworks and lectures. sobz.
choc finished? that fast! next time if i m to langkawi again, i will buy. hehehe.
thanks for the celebration and wishes!
Awww..Your Murni gang are so sweet..I havent been to Marco Pizza..must go there one day cos it’s near my place 🙂
Happy Birthday to you again 🙂
glad you enjoy every bit of it! 🙂
the cake… nice hor? hehe
I really think the blue purse suits you! sweet and sophisticated 😛
Happy Birthday once again!! Muax
btw… name of the cakes? Black Knight and Romance Cream Cheese. Bet you know which is which right?
happy belated birthday!..dont worry..after 21..there shouldnt be any biggie kua..although i just turned 22 not too long ago also..
Happy Belated Birthday! 🙂
happies belated bday to u aiwei!! =) you hv a nice celebration wid christine ya!
Happy Belated Birthday ~ ^_^
Happy Belated Birthday Ai Wei!! Poor girl, hope you feeling better now. 🙂
thanks thanks. well, Marco’s is quite a nice place to have meal. do stop by for a hearty pizza.
gal, thanks for the day, thanks for the present, thanks for the wishes and thanks for everything! Muacks!~
Thanks A Lot! love.
thanks thanks. turning 22 ar… still have the minor trauma lo. but still can get over it. not as serious as last yr.
are u guys having the same or i am the only one with this prob?!
thanks thanks ^^
thanks for the wishes. yeah, it was indeed a nice celebration with Christine. i bet u will have a great bday celebration with ur friends and loved ones. ^^
thanks thanks ^^
Precious pea,
thanks thanks thanks. i am getting better adi. hope there is no more for next yr >.<
Glad you had a rockin’ birthday celebration!!:D
Muacks and hugs for you too…and you have real sweet besties:D
Wow! Great photos on the food and place. well done!
Happy birthday by the way.
Alex’s World! – http://www.kakinan.com/alex
happy belated birthday, ai wei! it feels so good to celebrate your birthday with close friends, right?…and with good food too 🙂
wah what a celebration…. HaPPy BelAted BiRthDay to you Ah Wei!!!! from us!
aiyo so young oni… u’ve got many many more wonderful yrs to enjoy ur makan sessions 🙂 happy belated bday!!! 😀
Happy belated birthday! Cheesy pizzas…hmm…yummy!
thanks thanks. HugzZz
thanks thanks. thanks for dropping me comments. i will gonna add u in my foodie link.
big boys oven,
thanks guys! thanks for the big Big wishes
thanks a lot dear. ^^ thanks for the wishes. like ur Phuket trip photos a lot!
thanks a lot! that was a real cheesy-licious meal. must really try out their Marco’s Pizza, the signature ^^
Happy belated birthday…..
The Marco’s pizza looks so yummy with those cheeseee….
fantastic companionship fantastic food !
welcome to the big world…
Happy Happy Belated Birthday to you! Missed out the chance to meet you guys at the ‘My Elephant’ gathering. Hope will have another gathering to meet you guys next time. 🙂
Don’t worry about turning 22! I was panic at first too when I turned 18….then 21! And 22! But then…as days passed by, I got numb adi. LOL Wish you have a healthy and happy life now and in the future~ So enjoy your life ya! 😉
Hey, sapoh, happy belated birthday to you!! Glad that you had a great time celebrating with your friends!
So when’re u going to post our celebration?? Hehe! Hope you had a great time celebrating your birthday with us too. Keke!
Awaiting… 🙂
Hey, sapoh, happy belated birthday to you!! Glad that you had a great time celebrating with your friends!
So when’re u going to post our celebration?? Hehe! Hope you had a great time celebrating your birthday with us too. Keke!
Awaiting… 🙂
Don’t worry, coming from someone who is a lot older than you, it’ll still be a party many more years to come (I’m still partying! hahaha..) Happy Belated Birthday!
yorrr… u make me feel old… but then.. im not going to think about that because i dont want to kena wack on the head by someone older..heheh
happy belated bday!
thanks thanks.
team bsg,
errr… the big world?! can i return to Kids world?!
cookies cream,
thanks thanks. thanks for the wishes. sigh… time really flies. very afraid of next yr. iks
too bad that u din turn up in my elephant lar. it was really a great and enjoyable Party!!! next time must turn up ya!~
wenching & esiong,
hehehe, thanks to u both. i love the celebration in the Ochacha. it was simple n sweet. when are u going to post OUR celebration on ur pre-Birthday?!
*fast fast Post!!!*
thanks thanks thanks a lot. hehehe, live to party! *wahaha*
thanks dear. U better not think like that ar. u look sweet and Young. dun worry!