Turning on 22…

Turning on 22…

What a day! Turning on 22 is not an easy thing for me as I experienced serious trauma last year when I stepped myself into my 21st. good thing is that this year I didn’t suffer from serious ‘sick’ but still, there was a minor 

Merry Xmas & Happy 2008 ~

Merry Xmas & Happy 2008 ~

It’s Christmas! There are Christmas decos everywhere, Christmas songs are in the air, and those freshly baked ginger bread house n ginger bread man… ohhh! What a great festive atmosphere out there! Dear Readers, Friends, Food Bloggers, Bloggers, May you have a wonderful Christmas celebration, 

happy Winter Solstice Festival !

happy Winter Solstice Festival !

It’s ‘Dong Zhi’ 冬至 (the Winter Solstice Festival) today! Happy Winter Solstice Festival to all of you. Ever notice what is this??? That’s the heavy stone mortar and below it was the grinded Glutinous Rice Flour with water in the white cloth packet. Mum bought 

My M-A-F Celebration

My M-A-F Celebration

Before our meal, I hopped into my car and took Yen and Khee with me straight to Christine’s house. We were there earlier to have a bit of gals’ chat. And yet, I brought along these goodies — muffins for them which I baked in 

Another Birthday celebration

Another Birthday celebration

Fans of LokLok, here you go, now you may have the chance to eat as much as you can (the eat-all-you-can concept)! Ooopps… nope, only for those who were invited to Yen’s party. Yay~ because, I was invited! Nice chandelier. Hmmm… This place looks posh. 

Happy farewell

Happy farewell

Farewell, my beloved physiology lecturer ms. Wong. Today is her last day in uni. She will be going to… (erm, I dunno cz I never ask for details *hehe*) A very strict person she is but sweet and nice too. I was in the kitchen 

A Birthday Treat @ Marmalade Cafe

A Birthday Treat @ Marmalade Cafe

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to KHEE!!! Yep, it was Khee’s 21st this year. Needless to say, being a ji mui(s) of hers, could I not celebrate the big day with her?! Me and Christine made plan for her big 

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition

Oh-oh… I have not posted for some times. Back on post again. This time is not about food but…The FIREWORKS! Yep, we (me, Ken, Yan and How; and ken’s friends) went all the way to Putrajaya yesterday to watch the Malaysia International Fireworks Competition (MIFC). 

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