

~没有什么华丽的食材,也没有特别多款式的菜肴,能和一众人聚在一块儿,是幸福快乐的事。~ 过了一个晚上的除夕团圆饭,一众人决定来点儿清淡的。在这儿‘清淡’的意识,是要多点青菜,少点肉类,以便帮帮清肠胃。 所以,大年初一的晚饭就有了几道色香味俱全的佳肴。 妈妈准备的京都肉。   舅母的甜丝丝(五颜六色的菜) 大姨的酸菜肉丸带着另一番风味

Dain Ti Hill @ Pavillion KL

Dain Ti Hill @ Pavillion KL

Test and exam are killing. Assignments are heart-stabbing. Reports are troubling. Lecture notes and books are distressing. The only thing, Food – My best remedy. That day, I, with my best coupled-friend, Sugar Bean In a sudden urge, Wish for something luxury but inexpensive Somewhere 

Chong Qing Chicken Hot Pot @ Kuchai Maju

Chong Qing Chicken Hot Pot @ Kuchai Maju

I have heard a lot about Kuchai Maju area from WenChing and some TV programmes keep promoting the eateries at this area. Since then, this area becomes very hot and popular. Crowded sometimes and hardly could find a space for your lovely car. Since there 

Rootian Seafood Restaurant @ Langkawi Town

Rootian Seafood Restaurant @ Langkawi Town

Day 1 – 30 Dec 08 (Night) After the short walk at the beach, we hold tight on our schedule and paid a visit to Langkawi’s Cable Car. The cable car ride is priced at Rm 15 for those who hold while Rm 25 for 

Lok, Eat & Farewell

Lok, Eat & Farewell

February seems to be the month of everything. As Chinese, we have the 15 days of Chinese New Year (but only few days holiday. Sigh). For the love birds out there, you have Valentine’s Day, and also the Chinese Valentine’s Day which marked on the 

CNY Reunion Dinner

CNY Reunion Dinner

Dear Readers, how are you celebrating your Chinese New Year?! It must be a great celebration you all have and some even might still in the holiday! My CNY was okay but I have not have enough holiday as my class restarts today. This is 

Mei Chi Xuan @ Kota Damansara

Mei Chi Xuan @ Kota Damansara

It was another food bloggers meet up last month. This time we were heading to Mei Chi Xuan upon Sid’s invitation. Thanks Sid and also Chef Steven Cheng for preparing us a wonderful hearty meal. We truly enjoyed it. At first I thought we (Christine, 

Madam Lim’s Kitchen

Madam Lim’s Kitchen

It was another late lunch with parents again. As we were going to do grocery-shopping in Jusco Maluri, we planned to have our lunch there. We then discovered that there is a new eatery opens up and packed with people — Madam Lim’s Kitchen. It 

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